Friday, October 07, 2005

A New Creation

Karen's Baptism Posted by Picasa

I decided to post a picture of the day I was baptized: August 17, 2003. I looked for this picture after the verse came to mind,

2Co 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

I am a new creation in Christ! Hallelujah! The water baptism symbolizes us dying to ourselves, being crucified with Christ. I am sooo thankful that I am a daughter of the King and have been given an opportunity to live eternally.

I talked to a girlfriend earlier this evening, of which I have been friends with for 17+ years, although we have known one another for about 19 now. We had alot of laughs and were able to talk so openly with one another. She commented about how she loved my honesty, how I am so funny and even though I am a Christian now my values deep within myself are much the same in many respects but that I am so much more relaxed. She even commented that I am more humourous. I am still the same Karen, but better, different, in a good way. She loves it!

All theses changes are because of Jesus! I do laugh even more than before. I still joke alot, although much cleaner and more tasteful. Those deep values and desires are much the same, except that Jesus is my first priority and my greatest love. He is my heart's desire. Doing ministry, seeing people healed, set free from demonic bondage and most importantly, coming to know Jesus as their Saviour gives me an incredible, almost uncontainable yet unexpressible JOY!

My girlfriend is not a Christian. She was raised with Christian values, in her meaning of what those values are within her own understanding. She was and is not born again. I have told her about Jesus and occassionally we continue to have conversations. I have prayed many times for her salvation.

Tonight I just enjoyed her. Yes, we talked about Jesus. She enjoyed me. She enjoyed Jesus through me. I was a transparent witness for my Lord.

I am so thankful for the transforming power of the Holy Spirit, all the time. The last couple of weeks have been tough times of spiritual warfare. After hearing my friend tonight tell me of the wondferful positive changes within me was much like God whispering to my heart.

Thank you Lord for your tests, for your trials, for your Love.


John said...

Great post Karen, there is nothing like encouragement from a friend.


Karen said...

Thanks John,
You are absolutely right...encouragement from a friend is uplifting to our hearts. God Bless.

pete porter said...

It is the Lord that is at work in us to cause us to conform to His image. To us we may look the same, but the world will see His grace and goodness in us, what a testimony to this new life in God.
Be Blessed,

Karen said...

Amen Pete! I am thankful for His transformation in and through my life. God Bless!