Friday, July 01, 2005

Part 5 - Psalm 24 Days!!!

It has been so busy lately that it is hard to keep up with writing. For now, since I am behind I entitle these posts as 'Psalm 24 Days!'. Maybe I will change the title, perhaps I will keep it for now as Psalm 24 is so powerfully entertwined with what the Lord is doing in my life. My eyes have been more on Him, I am looking upward with great expectations. My faith is soaring with the eagles. My spirit is humming along with the most beautiful music in heaven.

On Sunday June 26th, we had our second service of Street Church. Again, we offered communion to those who believe in the Lord. We were blessed with great weather. We had three persons come to the Lord, one of which was a re-dedication to Jesus Christ. These three were baptized in the Bow River. We all sang with great praise and joy in our hearts as each one came up a new creation in Him! Afterward, we prayed for baptism of the Holy Spirit for these three. It was an emotional time, and one in which God was mightily glorified!

Monday Night Evangelism was the following evening. I had prayed and felt the Lord say I was to minister alongside one of the Pastors. So, the pastor and I talked briefly and we went to the same location. The location we went to is the same location in which we have our Sunday church service. Despite the fact that it was raining, we had quite a turn out.

You could tell people were hungry for the gospel, not just for some of the food we had to serve. Prior to the sermon and during worship, we were being challenged and stretched by many people asking questions. They wanted to know if we were real, does Jesus really exist,what about science? I had some comments about hypocritical Christians. I had comments about the love of God and how some Christians don't appear to demonstrate that love. I had one man say to me, 'Why would you care about me?' I do care, I replied. 'How do I know that?' I replied, 'Because of Jesus Christ'. I smiled and then prayed for him in my heart as I was being pulled away by another woman.

This woman was the lady we prayed for last week, and that had given her heart to Jesus. She pulled me away from the crowd to share with me some wonderful news. She said to me with such excitement, "God is healing me!" She bent down to pull up her pant leg and socks to reveal some healing wounds on her leg. Then she asked me if I remember her walking up to the truck last week for prayer limping. I had not remembered her limping, but I knew she had been in great pain. She said that the pain had been much alleviated and that she was limping less, plus the wounds were healing. We praised God, cried and hugged one another, once again basking in His glory!

We then walked over to hear the rest of the sermon, plus I wanted to be prepared to pray for others. There were several people coming forward very quickly to receive prayer for salvation. It generally starts with one brave, broken soul, then others follow in suit. This man came up beside me. I asked him if he wanted to accept Jesus as his Lord and saviour. He said yes and was quite emotional. I started to pray, then the pastor on the truck came and led him to Jesus alongside of us. The woman that had been healed the week before was also ministering, laying hands on and praying passionately alongside of us. I cried tears of joy and incredible gratification to Jesus!

I was praying in tongues as the Pastor was leading this man into salvation. I prayed as the Holy Spirit had me pray. This man stopped and looked at us while we were praying blessings over him and leading him to the Lord and said, "How did you know my name?" I said I did not know his name. Then he looked at myself, the Pastor and the other woman. He exclaimed, "None of you know my name! I did not even tell you my name!" He then looked at me and pointed his finger in my direction. "You keep saying my name! How did you know my name?" I said, "I honestly don't know your name. I am not saying your name, I am praying in tongues. It is a prayer language from God." He said,"Listen, I do not know what these tongues are that you are talking about, but you keep saying my name. That is what I am hearing you say." I then realized that the Holy Spirit was at work, allowing this man to hear his name. I had heard of these miracles. This even happened on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2. The four of us were speechless, in awe of the Lord's power. To be used as a vessel in such a manner was profound. We cried, praised God and watched as the Lord continued to work on this man and others as they were coming to the Lord. We figure about 8-10 persons just in this one location came to the Lord that night. Halllejuah!

At the end of the evening, we praised God! We went back to the main location to all share with one another all that God did that night. I went to encourage the one brother by telling him of the healing with the woman from the week before. He prayed and praised God on the spot! What an awesome sight it is to see fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, on fire!

I anticipate more and more miracles, signs, wonders, healings, salvations and baptisms as the Lord does a mighty work here and brings revival amongst the poor and homeless in Calgary.

Praise be to you God!!!


Jeannie said...

I will continue you to pray for God's boldness over your life - it is great hearing these stories.

Karen said...

Thank you Jeannie and God Bless you! There willl be more stories to come, all glorifying our glorious Lord!

pete porter said...

Sounds like the Lord is doing a great work amoung you. How nice it would be to have a part in it, (other than prayers) and witness the Lord's presence moving in the people.
Be Blessed,

John said...

You are doing an awesome job Karen, may the Lord bless you abundandtly with fruit for your labours! Praise His mighty name!


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed reading your post. :)

May our God bless you and your ministry.

[God and Science]

Karen said...

Thank you all for your encouragement and blessings!

Funkysmell, I think 'huh?' is a common response to the works of the Holy Spirit. I think even Jesus' disciples must have had the same expressions at first. Miracles are amazing to witness and they all come from the power of the Holy Spirit.