Monday, December 12, 2005

Like a Child

Last night I spent time with a girlfriend before I fly away for the Holidays. It was a nice break to have inbetween all this last minute studying as the semester comes to a close.

We went to see a movie, overindulged in fatty foods, then absolutley had to go for a walk to burn off calories. This was the first time since my neck healed that I have done some serious cardiovascular activity. It was late in the evening and a balmy 5 or 7 Celsius outside. We are having a lovely Chinook here in Calgary. We crossed the bridge over the Bow River and came upon a well-lit park. We were the only ones there!

We excitedly saw the swings and my friend, who has a playful heart said, "Let's go on the swings." I wish I could have responded with reckless abandon, but my first thought was, "Gee, I hope I don't get a wet bum!" That thought quickly dissipated once I managed to squeeze into the seat of the swing. I immedately started to fly through the air. I could not help but laugh and smile!!! What a joyful feeling! I laughed and thanked the Lord in my Spirit, praising Him for His goodness! As I was swinging, I looked at the slide, teeter-totters, monkey bars, etcetera. What wonderful memories! What a wonderful moment in time, there with my friend and the Lord!

Not too soon, after swinging, my full belly was a little queasy and my hips started to pinch on the swing! Yikes! Guess that happens as you age. Not being a size 5 anymore also may be a factor! LOL LOL LOL The whole point here is how it made my Spirit sing! When Jesus taught his disciples in Mark 10:15, "Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all." Wow, pretty powerful, but so true!

Children jump head long with reckless abandon to experience what is at the end of the tunnel, not knowing what is at the bottom, they run excitedly toward things. This is how Jesus wants us to be. Just rush in, jump without looking, wildlessly accept the Love of the Father, accept His Son into our hearts with the joy of a Child. We do not know what is on the other side of accepting Jeus into our lives, but we will never know unless we jump! One thing is for sure, he will catch you, with his neverending, all-encompassing LOVE!!!


Noni said...

Hallelujah. What a wonderful reminder.

Anonymous said...

Swinging higher and higher reminds her of soaring on the wings of eagles. What an amazing God we serve!!

pete porter said...

Life is good when we know that we are in the care of our loving Father. We can always live in the abandonment of His joy.
Be Blessed

Karen said...

Halleljuah! Praise God for joy! Be blessed Bette, Pete and Gracey! May God's blessings pour on you!