Saturday, April 09, 2005

A Different Perspective

I attended a Christian concert this evening at the church where I attend school. It was a great time. A friend blessed me by picking me up and paid for the evening. There were many kids there under the age of 18. We sang, danced, laughed and had a great time. Coming from a different generation, it is always difficult to try things that do not seem natural. However, we took off our shoes at the end of the night and jumped up and down like crazy kids. We had so much fun. I love to dance in worship but often don't jump up and down, but I will tell you, it is truly exhilarating! I encourage you to try it sometime.

The preacher spoke on Daniel and the den of lions. He spoke about being in the darkness and being in the den of our own lives, of which I can relate. He also spoke of the den being a place of refuge. Here, Daniel was not touched or harmed in any way by the ferocious lions. An angel of the Lord came and prevented the lions from harming Daniel. The power of the Lord turned ferocious hungry lions into tender pussycats. He also said that out of dark places come new birth. Daniel here spurred on revival for Babylon.

To encourage us then, if we are in a dark place, there is hope and a new birth of the Holy Spirit as we come out of that place. In the meantime the Lord is taking care of us no matter the struggle, trial, persecution or situation that we face.

Hallelujah! Lord I look forward to what you will birth in the time to come!

So even now, as I go through an Hebrews Marathon after a busy work week and prepare for an oral presentation on the synagogue...I await your miracles and for you to be glorified Lord during such a period of darkness.

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