Monday, April 18, 2005

Here in Vancouver

Hi there everyone. It has been an interesting trip thus far. 10 of us total in a small van and cramped spaces. We arrived in Langley, BC and were invited to supper at one of our professor's houses. We are staying in a converted tire factory that is being used for ministry purposes. We are all camping out in one large room in sleeping bags, air mattresses on floor or some couches.

On Saturday we helped out with a kids ministry. We picked up kids in the area and had lessons, teaching, fed food, etcetera. These children were not Christian, perhaps some have become Christian since the ministry started. It was a learning experience as we had to discipline the kids on the bus, of which some were rebellious by nature. While in this role I slammed my fingers in the window because someone would not shut it. Ouch! That hurt! Later on we had ministry with the older girls. It was great to see kids being touched in a gentle and positive manner.

Sunday after church, we decided to take a trip to the waterfront here in Vancouver. It was soooo beautiful. It was the first time I have seen the Pacific Ocean and got a picture of me standing in it. Yeah!!! We took a drive down East Hastings and Main area and saw different ministries and sights. We also went for a walk down Robson Street. Differences in culture shock, yet so close together.

Today we are awaiting our next adventure. We attend classes every morning while here and then the plan is to do ministry in the afternoon. In between we sneak in naps and homework.

I have definitely been challenged and am growing personally since I have come here. I am learning to adapt under difficult circumstances. Being in an environment with communal living has its challenges. I am so thankful to the Lord to be challenged in this manner as it is a preparation for things to come. Thank you Lord!

In addition to your prayers, please pray that the Lord will continue to change me and help me to grow in Him. Pray for the compassion and love of Christ to well up in my heart to overflowing as we go through these next few days of ministry.

God Bless everyone of you.

1 comment:

Callmeteem said...

I know the Lord is going to bless you and anoint you as you touch the lives of the poor and broken.
May you experience the joy of the Lord as you serve him.