Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Tuesday in Vancouver

Well to add on to what we have done since my last writing...

On Monday we went down to the area of East Hastings Street and Main. Here we split into small groups and walked the streets to get a feel for the environment and people. This really tied into our morning lessons on why some people become homeless, society/sociology, and gentrification. It was daytime when we went down but there was still a great deal of activity. It was a common sight to see people doing crack, prostitutes and drug deals. Many sold found or stolen items on the street, selling tickets for upcoming events plus other activities. Our group was approached to buy drugs, showing us the contents openly. The police are busy and not often dealing with the drug problems. Someone kicked a window out of a buiding and there was an issue with a stolen bike from Carnegie Hall (library). We saw the place called, 'Bird Park'. This is an area where people sleep, consistently do drugs, deals, etc. It is an area that is often photographed and used in documentaries to capture the feel of the environment and culture.

After that we went for a drive in some richer areas and into Stanley Park, to get a feel for the contrast in environments within a local region. We got a look at the ocean and mountains from a different perspective. Too bad I did not have my camera. However, it was left behind as we did not want our van broken into.

Class was great this morning and presented itself with some healthy debates on culture and ethnicity. This afternoon we are in charge of cooking beef stew for 100 meals so they can be frozen for the food bank they have here for the locals. It was chaos with all of us in the kitchen. I sliced my finger open moving the lid for the professional cooker we are making the stew in. Ouch!!! The same hand that I injured on Saturday morning.

So, doing homework, blogging, recovering from crying due to the onions in the kitchen and waiting to finish stew. We have been locked out of the kitchen and are awaiting arrival of a key. Hoping the stew does not burn! The next few days will be very busy. Spaghetti duty, making bagged lunches for kids and handing them out. Then ministry downtown, food bank here on Thursday, plus other opportunities. The youth are here late Friday evening, then we will be up 5-7 am to drive back. Then home to do more homework.

Speaking of homework, back to the books!!!


Noni said...

:) Sometimes the Lord demands much of us. I can see you fulfilling His calling. Many blessings shall come of these demands. He will keep His promises!

Callmeteem said...

You can do all things through the One who loves you and called you.
You are demonstrating and living Jesus before the people you meet.