Thursday, April 21, 2005

Thursday in Vancouver

Hi Everybody! Well, our time here is almost over. It has been a jam-packed couple of days. Yesterday we went to Union Gospel Mission downtown. We were responsible for giving chapel three times as a group yesterday. People's lives were touched. One person in the afternoon came up for a prayer for healing. He did not even stay for supper which is incredible! He left after receiving prayer. Most are just there for the meal, some really enjoy the services and look forward to them. I had an awesome conversation with one man in particular, and some others too. We helped out doing other things. At the end of the night, I injured myself again. I dropped one of the big plastic beds on my foot/toes and is still sore. Late afterward we came back and had a class. Afterward we received some upsetting news as a class and many of us cried. It was an emotional time. Later, we giggled and laughed late into the night, which helped diffuse the heavy emotion we all felt inside.

In the morning, we woke up to someone's phone. In response to the confusion, one girl fell into me and landed hard into my back. She scraped her elbow pretty hard and was bleeding a bit. She felt bad and we were both pretty sore. Then about an hour later another girl partially stepped on my head. Yikes! Suffice to say, I woke up in a bad mood. I was feeling sorry for myself for awhile. Now, I just choose to have joy and worship God through it all. Today we helped out with a food bank for single Moms. Today and yesterday we made lunches for school kids. Tonight we are going downtown late at night to see the street activity pronounced.

Gotta GO!!! So much i want to write. God Bless. Bye for now.


Violet N. said...

Karen, welcome to my part of the world (the Lower Mainland, not the downtown east side). Hasn't the weather been fabulous?!

I've read your entries from the last few days and was wondering, the thing you did with kids on Saturday, was it at Christian Life Assembly in Langley? (If so, that's my church, and I do know they have a kids' club thing happening there every weekend).

Hope your mission trip continues to go well -- each aspect of it (although it sounds like you should consider wearing body armor to bed!)

Karen said...


I had a hearty laugh at your comment about the body armour. We stayed at "The Warehouse", which is run and affilliated with Broadway Church,on east Broadway. The weather was gorgeous. I wish we had had the time to really enjoy it and tour more areas.However, we had work and studies to do which were of greater importance. I will write my final update shortly. Thank you for the welcome.I was in Langley one evening. I am now back in Alberta. Just arrived this evening.