Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Life is Full of Surprises

I want to thank the Lord, once again for all things that pass my way, good and bad, negative or positive, hardships or blessings.

I have moved into my new place,which has its own comedic set of errors! First of all, and now the second apartment since I moved to this city, my furniture will not fit. So, my couch and loveseat are on the back lawn wrapped in plastic. So, either I sell or give to the Salvation Army. The next few weeks will help out there.

Secondly, on Monday I locked myself out of the apartment. It was about 5- 5:30 in the afternoon. I had no access to a phone, no money, did not know the landlord's number, did not have other numbers handy. So, I thought, I cannot just wait here, this will take forever. So, placed my hand on the door and said Lord, please help me I need a miracle! Then I knocked on the tenants door, I thought they were home as the 2 cats sound like a herd of elephants. No one home. Then went to the shed and grabbed one tool box and my briefcase, hoping that maybe there would be a bobby pin. Worth a shot, I am thinking. Then I remembered I had left the 2 windows open. So, the one side of the house I thought someone would call the cops for sure, as it is wide open. So, I decided to climb through the bush and try the other side of the house. I had to bend and pry the screen open. The opening of the window was 17" wide by 13" height. The drop to the bed was a few feet. Can you imagine I made it through the window with no injury? Afterward, my thumb and wrist hurt a little. So I praised and thank God for the miracle. First of all, that I was not fat, secondly flexible enough to bend through the window like that, thirdly that I did not have to wait for a long period of time for someone to show up. Fourthly, felt relief that knowing if I ever had to make an exit out ofthe window, at least I know I can fit through.

I would like to thank the Lord for His help with my schoolwork. I only have 2 assignments left to do which both have to be completed in the next 6-7 days maximum. It is only by the grace of God that I have managed to do this, move, deal with a relationship break up,etc. ...all at the same time! There are blessings in the adversities of life. We must remember to thank God for all of them!


pete porter said...

Is there a gift of rememberance? I think it would be helpful to a lot of us. You sound like your "counting it all joy".
So, Be Blessed,

Karen said...

There were times where I did not count these things as joy, but I am finding joy and blessings in the little things. I am noticing the Lord do tremendous changes within. I am feeling so much peace even in the face of adversity. Praise the Lord!

John said...

That must have been a funny sight to see Karen! What a wonderful God we serve and what a wonderful family we belong to! My prayers are with you!


Callmeteem said...

God is working us all into the image of His Son. Praise Him as He does so.

Jeannie said...

I know what its like to be locked out of an apartment - it happened to me at 1am in the morning and my flatmate was half deaf - I fell asleep at the doorstep after countless screaming and yelling to open the door - keep your keys around your neck - that way it will never happen again - larf larf

Cosmic said...

Amazing! I've never been a very Christian person but one day I decide to make the effort to learn more about God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit. And after some prayer earlier today, I stumble onto your blog! I am impressed by your dedication to God and it inspires me to work harder on my faith.

Karen said...

Thank you for your prayers John.

LOL @ Jeannie. I am already thinking up plans for a spare key.

Cosmic, I truly believe there are no coincidences with God. I am blessed to be used by the Lord through this blog to help you along your journey. Praise the Lord for giving you direction and guidance in answer to your prayer. May He continually guide you in all things.