Sunday, June 26, 2005

Part 3 - Psalm 24 Days!

Now I wanted to report how God worked last Sunday, June 19th. On Friday, I had lunch with a couple of women, ministry related. The one woman's husband was terminally ill with cancer, and both of them not born again. I stressed the importance of salvation, particularly with regard to her husband's situation. I had been asked to minister to this couple back in April, however it was not the Lord's timing YET to do so. This man had been raised in an environment where he was consistently preached at by his mother and it turned him off of God. I asked if I could come in and pray for his healing. They said they would have to ask him, and that the condition was to not come in and try to make him born again. I found out Saturday evening that the man agreed for me to come to his home and lay hands on him Sunday afternoon for his healing. Praise the Lord!

On Sunday morning I drove to church to the normal intercessors prayer gathering, but no one was there. I had forgotten the information at home to go to this home after church for ministry, so I drove back home. On the way back, I felt the Lord motion for me to go to a different church. So, I did. I went to a spirit-filled charismatic, dancing and praising congregation. At the end of the service I went up to one of the Pastors and asked for prayer and guidance with regard to this man's prayer for a healing from the Lord. I asked him to agree with me in prayer for this man's healing and asked for a special anointing, etc. He then said that the Holy Spirit has given me this assignment to go forth and pray for this man. So he said to look at this as an assignment from God and go in obedience no matter what I might feel, think, etc.

So I drove to this person's house. When I arrived, this person's family was present. One relative that is born again, joined me to lay hands on and agree in prayer, with accordance to Matthew 18:19 which states,

"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven."

On the way to this person's home, the Lord led me to John 14 and I also decided to read from John 5. I sat down in front of this man and explained what I was about to do. I told him that through the power of the Holy Spirit healing occurs, not through me. I told him that I was going to read from scripture and stand on the word of God. I explained to him I would not preach to him, that I was praying for him to know the Lord, but today was prayer for healing. I gave him some testimonies of the healing power of God and how much the Lord has done in my life.

I held his hand and prayed. I prayed for a full complete healing of the cancer in the name of Jesus Christ. We stood on Matthew 18:19, I read from John 5 (the same scripture I preached on on Monday night), then I read from John 14. I explained the beginning of this chapter, that it is a message of slavation, I read from verses 9 to 14.

9Jesus answered: "Don't you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, 'Show us the Father'? 10Don't you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you are not just my own. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work. 11Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves. 12I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. 13And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. 14You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.

I ended the prayer session thanking Jesus and giving God all the glory and honour. The family took the process very well, some tears. I said, "you have been healed in Jesus Name!" I mentioned to his wife to work slowly at building up his strength again. They all said they would contact me again in the near future, once he was able to eat more. While all of this was happening, this man picked up the phone and called his mother over in England. He said 'Hi Mom, I have a young lady here that has something to tell you about what has happened.' He handed the phone to me. I said to his Mom, "Hi Mam, I just wanted to let you know that your son has been healed by the Holy Spirit. We agreed together in prayer, layed hands on him and stood on the scriptures." She said, "Thank you so much." I said, "No, don't thank me, thank the Lord, praise him...He did all the work. I am just the vessel." She replied with, "Praise the Lord and thank you for being there for my family, for listening to God." The man and his mother continued a conversation for awhile. After a coffee, some encouragement and warm hugs, I said goodbye.

After this, I drove quite a distance to go to our first church service for the homeless outside one of the shelters. We call it 'Street Church'. We believe the Lord is going to do many things through the start of this church. It is outdoors, rain or shine, with preaching and worship, prayer and baptisms. It was incredible!!! Seven people gave their hearts to the Lord. Five of those seven made decisons to be baptized in the river. We walked down to the flooded river where it had come up over the walkway. We were very careful and had rope in case. These five gave their testimonies of their faith, confessing publicly that Jesus is Lord. Then they were baptized in the very dirty flooded river. Afterward those same five came for prayer for baptism of the Holy Spirit, kneeling in reverance with wet knees to the ground. It was soooo beautiful!

This ministry is the same one affiliated with Monday Night Evangelism. It is a ministry that God is blessing, is producing fruit and may even become the start of revival here in Calgary. I am blessed to be involved, to be used by God and to be here. Words cannot express the excitement I feel in my heart and spirit.

I will write about the rest very soon!!! Praise the Lord!!!


John said...

Excellent post Karen! Revival is imminent! Praise His wonderful name!


pete porter said...

Karen, sounds like you have a very active group of believers around you. That's great, and I know the Lord will bless as you obey and do the works. I'd like for all believers to experience the answers to prayer, and the tangible anointing of the Spirit. And the prayer of faith, and agreement as well.
Be Blessed,

Jeannie said...

Hey Karen, I prayed for that man tonight that God will continue the healing process...

Karen said...

Jeannie, thank you for joining me in prayer.

John,I agree. Revival is inevitable. Praise God!!!

Pete, I wish more people were experiencing what we are seeing God do. He is so amazing! When you see God at work like what we are seeing now week after week, it is hard to find the words to express. I most defintiely am in awe,in greater reverance to Him, and my faith has deepened. Hallelujah!