Thursday, March 17, 2005

Irish Blessing

May the Road Rise to Meet you.
May the Wind Be Always at your back
May the Sun Shine Warm Upon your Face.
And Rains Fall Soft upon your Fields.
And until we Meet Again,
May God Hold you in the Hollow of His Hand

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!


Callmeteem said...

The title saint attached to Patrick can be off putting to evangelicals. Nonetheless he was a powerful man of God in an earlier time.
He was arguably the second true cross cultural missionary in church history. (I'm counting the apostle Paul as number one.)
He was sent by God to a hostile, even dangerous people and by the power of the Spirit was used to bring about a genuine people movement. He was a powerful missionary.

Karen said...

Thank you Teem for your response! I did a research paper on Patrick last semester. I agree the term 'Saint' can throw some evangelicals off. It was a title given to him much later by the Catholic Church. I read his letters and he was a man filled with the Holy Spirit! He was primarily responsible for evangelizing Ireland which was of a pagan culture. I encourage anyone to do a study of him and read his letters. There is much to learn from Patrick's experiences.